Sunday, February 5, 2012

Korean Skin Craze!

I'm all crazy about a typical Korean lady who has a very glowing skin! They are such GODDESSES! I'm an AVID FAN WANNA BE! :-) Recently, I'm getting really obsessed about it and googled some answers to my crazy questions :-))

So, let me show you some results:

Using outward & upwards strokes when washing your face

When washing your face, do not use vertical up-down strokes which will loosen your facial muscles and promote skin sag. Use outward and upward strokes instead. -- But my question is, does this really work? I actually told my Mom about it but she said it doesn't work at all.. She saw some skin doctors on the television saying it has nothing to do about it. :-) Yet as of my opinion, there's no harm in trying, right? :-)

Your God given hands is a magical massage tool

The palms of your hands will cover your eyes perfectly. When your eyes are tired or stressed, just press the palms of your hands to your eye sockets, applying gentle pressure. That itself is a great massage for your eye area. Go ahead, try it! -- My oh my i just knew about this, tried a while ago.. :-)

Using lots of whitening products

If you want to have clear complexion, you should follow the Korean women who are fond of using whitening products to combat skin pigmentation problems. And with the great number of whitening and brightening products available in the market, I believe most of us are already into this regime. -- I AM PLEDGED GUILTY!!! :-) Number one reason because I HAVE always been ENVIOUS with my older siblings (they have this skin color that I cannot explain why am I not blessed with such) Second reason, I love it because it's makes you look really attractive and neat at the same time.. Clothes will look good on you, too! :-)

Using sunscreen to prevent premature aging

Like the rest of the world, Koreans believe that sunscreens are an important aspect of skincare routines. So prevent premature aging by using sunscreen diligently as early as possible and this is also something that is achieveable given the flood of sunscreen products in the market. The only problem is picking one that provides sufficient sun protection and suit your skin type.-- This is sooooo TRUE!!! I have always been a fan of using sunblock ever since I started using it. It actually makes WONDERS! Sunblocks can rule the world! Hahaha just kidding :-)

SPF – sun protection factor against UV B
SPF 22 means you get to spend 22 times longer under the sun (than which you would without protection from UV B) before you start burning. Example: If you have fair skin and it takes you 20 minutes in the hot sun to get a sun burn. With SPF 22, you get to spend 440 minutes (22 x 20) in the sun before you start burning.

PA – protects against UV A
PA+ minimum UV A protection
PA++ average UV A protection

PA+++ very high UV A protection -- (I actually sell lots of Bb creams who has this) :-)

Using 17 – 18 products to achieve flawless complexion

The one that caught my attention most was that Korean women apply 17 – 18 products every morning before stepping out of the house!
Do you do this? Anyway, here is the make-up routine of a typical Korean woman who wants to portray having a flawless complexion. There are eleven steps!
  1. Preparation: Primer + make-up base (corrects your skin tone)
  2. Foundation
  3. Conceal imperfection (concealer)
  4. Setting: Set and fix foundation with powder or pact (The pact is now the Korean woman’s favorite touch-up item)
  5. Highlighting: Enhance vitality with make-up Brightener
  6. Eye brow
  7. Eye shadow
  8. Eyeliner
  9. Mascara
  10. Lip
  11. Blusher
-- Amazed? Well for me, I would rather avoid using FOUNDATION, because it clogs pores and can make your skin old/mature.

My version would just be this:

1. Primer
2. Bb cream
3. Concealer (do not use lots or else it would be cakey or can make your skin look dark)
4. Blusher (cream)
5. Highlighter
6. Loose powder (to avoid the stickiness of the products applied)
7. Eye brow (MUST NEED)
8. Mascara
9. Lip color
10. Pressed powder (final touch)

As you can see, I still lack some products, like a cream under the eyes, or whatever it is, I still have to keep on doing my research.. I seem to never get tired of it :-)

My piece of advice: 


(Your CRUSH/BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND would really love you FOREVER for that!)

That would be it for now! :-) Hope this helps!

Always, Germaine

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