Friday, March 23, 2012

Importance & Differences: Facial Moisturizer + Facial Serum

You guys ever familiar with the difference between a FACIAL MOISTURIZER and a FACIAL SERUM? And how BOTH OF THEM has a very important role when it comes to our daily skincare? I bet some of you don't! :-) Okay, so here goes:


A cosmetic lotion or cream applied to the skin to counter dryness.

Knubbly tweed, snakeskin, cracked leather -- if you think these words describe the condition of your skin more than the composition of a favorite handbag, then you might need to start moisturizing. Even if your skin type tends to be normal to oily, using a high-quality moisturizer on a regular basis can be the key to improving the way your skin looks and feels.

No matter whether your skin type is dry, oily or sensitive, you shouldn't skip the moisturizing step in your skin care routine. Leaving it out might quickly cause redness or flaking, and in time it can allow wrinkles and other aging signs to show up on your skin earlier than they otherwise might. Also, if you have sensitive skin or a skin condition, moisturizing regularly might help ease some of the irritation.


An ultra-concentrated formula that penetrates more deeply into the skin and delivers effective active ingredients.

In skin care it refers to an intensive moisturizing product to be applied after cleansing but before a general moisturizer.

Serums can treat skin conditions such as redness, wrinkles, discoloration, dehydration, sagging skin and help prevent acne.

A good serum  provides intensive care to treat problem or fragile areas and it aims to penetrate deep into the three layers of the skin to strengthen the cells as well as deliver active ingredients to your skin.


While facial serums can give you added moisture, the main reason you'd want to use a facial serum is to get added nutrients into deeper layers of your skin that a regular moisturizer is not able to reach. You can get many types of serums such as anti-aging serums, skin brightening serums and even acne preventative serums. You apply the serum after your toner and before your moisturizer.

A moisturizer has larger molecules than a serum. This means that a moisturizer will not penetrate the skin as far as a serum will. While serums deposit nutrients, moisturizers are meant to deposit moisture and hydration your skin.

So, to make things clear to anyone who is reading this right now, a Serum is definitely incomplete without a Moisturizer, and vice versa.

Just because a Serum is something that goes to the deeper layers of your skin, while a Moisturizer will just coat the outer layer. So they definitely and will always need each other. :-)

For my own experience, believe it or not, I discovered the Serum just this year. :-) I actually did some research with regards to this kind of thing, I was really amazed with all of the positive results. And it actually did amazed me since then. Never a day without them both. :-)

Go ahead and try yourself both the products! It's never really too late to be beautiful! <3

Always, Germaine

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