Monday, January 9, 2012

Luscious Red

Believe it or not, I just started liking/using lipstick consistently just last June 2011. Ever since then, I started liking it like CRAZZZZY! I buy different kinds of it whenever I get the chance to. :-P But now, I am currently addicted to RED, which is specifically the MATTE kind because it stays LONGER. :-)

But really, why do women wear red lipstick? :-) I googled it and here are some of the answers:

1.) Because red is a color that makes women more sensual, energetic, sexy, and more bolder.
2.) Because it grabs mens attention. And well lips make u think of kissing, kissing of touching, and touching of love.
3.) Because red lipsticks are associated with passion, seduction, and flamboyance. Most women wear red lipstick because nothing catches attention like it. However, it makes a bold statement and you need to wear it with confidence. Also, make sure that it goes with the outfit you pick or the result can be disastrous. :-)

Well, I have here some options that I personally would wanna let you try (just in case):

2.) MAC

I am currently using Shiseido.. I love it sooooo much i wanna die!!! It really makes you feel confident and would definitely bring out the woman in you! :-)

Let's all stay beautiful and glamorous, girls!!! <3 Let those men DROOL LIKE CRAZY!!! :-)))

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